To ensure a safe environment for participation and promote hygiene, students change into a color specific PE uniform every day.  Safety is our number one concern and sharing the PE fields with the community at all hours of the day makes it very important that your student comes to class with the correct uniform as noted below.  Students who are not prepared for the day will be given a loaner uniform.  Students refusing to wear the loaner uniform will be referred to the officeOne of the overall goals of the physical education department is to teach students responsibility and hold them accountable for their actions.  Please note that PE loaners should only be used on an emergency basis.  Repeated use of loaner PE clothes may result in disciplinary consequences. 


Iron Horse PE Shirt, Sweatshirt, Short, or Sweatpants


Plain TEAL T-Shirt, TEAL sweatshirt, black Shorts, or black pants from home

Sweats of a different color may be worn UNDER the PE uniform during colder weather, provided they are NOT worn to school on the same day.  Clothing worn to school may NOT be worn for PE.

PLEASE NOTE:  Students who choose to provide their own clothing items must be sure their clothes meet all school dress code rules 


All clothing worn for physical education MUST be labeled with the student’s first initial and last name so that students are easily identifiable by any staff member in the event of an emergency, and so that every effort can be made to return lost clothing to the proper owner.  Students wearing a uniform that is not their own will be given a loaner uniform.


All students should have athletic shoes with laces and socks.  Students are encouraged to have a pair of shoes and an extra pair of socks dedicated to PE only.  In the mornings and during the colder months, our PE fields can be damp.  Having a pair of shoes that stay in PE in highly recommend.


Students can purchase additional IHMS PE clothes throughout the year in the Locker RoomS or by using Future Fund.

PE Shirt: $10.00

PE Shorts: $15.00

Combination Lock: $7.00

*Please make checks out to IHMS*


Our expectation is that students are dressing out for PE DAILY.  In the event that you or your child forgets to bring their PE clothes, or loses their PE clothes, students can check out a loaner uniform from the locker room to use for the day.  These uniforms MUST be returned to the locker at the end of the PE period.  Students who do not bring their PE uniform and choose NOT to borrow a loaner uniform to wear to class, will be referred to the administrative team for disciplinary consequences.  

Please be aware that students who repeatedly need to use loaners may receive disciplinary consequences (i.e. lunch detention).  It is our expectation that students are regularly providing their own PE clothes for class and only using loaners on an "emergency" basis.