Introductory Endurance Training

Introductory Endurance Training

Why Endurance Training?

A basic level cardiovascular endurance is a vital component of any exercise program and as such, we believe it is important for students to learn how to actively engage in slower pace, endurance activities as a lead-up to more advanced cardiovascular training programs. By improving stamina, students strengthen their heart and lungs, preparing them for more intense activities, in 7th and 8th grade. Our Introductory Endurance Training program will lay the foundation for our high intensity interval training program (HIIT).


Running is just one form of endurance training. While our PE program does involve running during game play, and as part of many fitness activities, running is not the only form of endurance training we do here. We do our best to offer a variety of fitness activities that include a walking, jogging, sprinting, biking, in addition to our interval training programs which involve body weight, speed and agility training, and plyometrics.

When will my child be participating in endurance/fitness training activities?

To assist you in planning, we have provided a tentative schedule of endurance/fitness activities for all teachers. Every effort will be made to adhere to this schedule. In the event of inclement weather, this schedule may be modified. We ask that parents make every effort to avoid scheduling appointments or school absences on days when your child is scheduled to complete an endurance activity, HIIT, or Timed Mile.

How do I monitor my student and their performance during Endurance/HIIT days?

Parents are encouraged to actively monitor their child's performance from week to week. Parents can always check school loop to see how their child is performing during cardio day. If a student does not meet their expectation (which will vary by teacher), it will be indicated in the comment section of their School loop PE progress report.

NOTE: While it is completely normal to have an "off week" every once in awhile, students who are regularly scoring a 13, 16, or 19 on an endurance activity are NOT putting forth an acceptable amount of effort, and can expect to see a significant drop in their overall grade if changes are not made.

Wait, PE gets to use bikes?

We are very fortunate here to have access to 27 stationary bikes. Students will have the opportunity to do a short 10 minute ride both indoors/outdoors. Bikes are equipped with adjustable resistance, as well as mounted computers that monitor their pedaling speed, distance, and time. Unless otherwise noted by their teacher, students will be tasked with completing a specific distance in 10 minutes.


When a student is biking, the distance expectation is standard for ALL students. When biking, students are expected to maintain a speed of 15-20 mph (this can be monitored using the computer that is attached to each bike) during their ride.

10 minute expectation: 2.5 miles (minimum)

Again, students must meet their distance expectation on the bike or they will receive a point deduction based on how far off they are from their expectation.

Can my student choose to bike instead of run?

In most cases, no.

Biking is reserved for specific class activities unless a student has a documented medical issue that require temporary adjustments to their PE program. Should your child have an injury that limits their ability to run, and we have a note on file from their physician specifically requesting that they be permitted to ride the bike in place of running, we will make arrangements for them to ride the bike as needed. Please note however, that this is handled on a case by case basis and that bikes may not always be available for use. We encourage you to contact your child's teacher if you have specific questions.

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