Multiplying Fractions
Multiplying Fractions by Fractions
Multiplying fractions is much easier than adding and subtracting fractions.
1. Multiply the numerators (top numbers) together
2. Multiply the denominators together (bottom numbers)
3. Simplify your answer.
4. If your answer is an improper fraction, you may leave your answer as an improper fraction or turn it into a mixed number as long as it is in simplest form.
Remember to cross factor is you can. It will make the numbers smaller and easier to manage. It also almost always eliminates the need to reduce at the end of the problem.
Class Notes
Practice Sites
Millionaire Game - Play alone or against a friend. The more questions you answer correctly the more money you earn.
Math Playground - Do the problems, check them.
Soccer Math - Answer problems and get to do a penalty kick.
XP Math - Simple practice. Answer the problems as they are given.