Compare & Ordering Integers

Today's Goal: Students will be able to define integers, compare two integers and order three or more from least to greatest and greatest to least.


What are integers? Integers are whole numbers both positive and negative. This includes zero which is neither positive or negative. No decimals or fractions are integers.

Comparing Two Integers

To compare the integers remember a couple things.

#1 It is all about the number line. The number to the right is always greater.

So in this example -3>-5 That is, negative three is greater than negative 5 as it is the number to the right.

#2 Negative integers are always less than positive integers.

Example -12<2. This is true as 12 is negative.

Two Methods Ordering Integers.

Method #1: Use a number line. When we compare numbers we are actually comparing where they are on the number line. The number to the left is always the lowest. That is how a -7 is less than -2. The -2 is the number to the right on the number line so it is the biggest.

Method #2: Grouping. This method works well when putting integers in order. Let's say we wanted to put this set in order {6, -3, 8, 2, -5)

First group the negative numbers together, they are -3, -5. Put them in order from greatest absolute value to least, so -5, -3.

Next group the positive integers, they are 6, 8, 2. Put them in order from least to greatest, so 2, 6, 8.

Finally, write the negative integers and then the positive integers.

So the answer is -5, -3, 2, 6, 8.

Comparing & Ordering Integers

Ordering Integers from Least to Greatest

Practice Sites

Fruit Shoot Returns - Click the fruit holding the correct sign, <, >, or =.

Comparing Integers Practice - Just select the correct sign.

One False Move - Fun game. Click the numbers in order from least to greatest or greatest to least, you choose. Be careful, one wrong move and your game is over.

Math Playground - Click on the moving balls so they are in order. Choose integers before you begin.

Number Balls - Click the balls in order from least to greatest.