Coordinate Plane

Today's Goal: Today students will be able to locate ordered pairs in the coordinate plane as well as reflect points across an axis.

The coordinate system is made when a vertical number line and a horizontal number line cross at the zero point for both. The horizontal number line is called the x-Axis. The vertical number line is called the y-AxisThis creates four areas we call quadrants. See the example below to see a coordinate system.


The table below shows each quadrant and where ordered pairs will be graphed.

Ordered Pairs - A pair of numbers used to locate a point on the coordinate plane. The ordered pair is written in the form (x-coordinate, y-coordinate).

To place a point on the coordinate plane first look at the x-coordinate of the ordered pair. It is the number that comes first. Move along the x-axis until you find the number. Next look at the y-coordinate, the second number in the ordered pair. Move along the y-axis until you find that number. Now follow the two lines to find where they meet. Make a dot at the place the two lines meet. This is the point named by the ordered pair.

Reflecting a Point Across an Axis.

Before reflecting a point you have to graph a given point.

Then, double check to see which axis they want you to reflect across.

Finally, graph the reflected point.

Here is an example:

Let's graph (-2, 4) and then reflect it across the Y-Axis.

Practice Site

State The Point - Where are the aliens. Identify their location using an ordered pair.

Now that the point is graphed, check to see which axis we will be reflecting over.

We are reflecting over the Y-Axis. Now we just have to count. How many spaces is the point to the left of the Y-Axis? It is two spaces away, so that means I have to put it two spaces on the other side of the Y-Axis.