Out of Logos

The Host and the Sanctuary

The host is first visible. In the manner the house of Jacob marched through the Red Sea, so this harried and by all appearances defenseless mass will appear in places outside of the borders of Babylon on the day of slaughter. Their appearance is described in Jer. 31:7-9. "They shall come with weeping, and with supplications," just as when they were carried into captivity. Their movement begins in the North -- in the land of Ephraim and of Manasseh. Ephraim, or the Swede, is described as the leader in this popular march, the Lord therefore calls him His "firstborn son" -- a son who has a right to double the inheritance that the others have. In the number of the sealed (Rev. 7:4-8) he is also designated under the name Joseph -- the favorite in the family of Jacob.

Manasseh, or the corresponding part of the Norwegian people, is not lacking a wonderfully great distinction in the great battle on the day of the Lord. In the connection where God speaks through the prophet of ending "every battle of the warrior . . . . and garments rolled in blood," He says that He shall fight against the enemies of Israel as in the time of Midian, when through Gideon and under his leadership, God exterminated the Midianitic army with only three hundred men. (See Is. 9: 4-7.) This hero was of the tribe of Manasseh -- a shadow thrown from "Harma-geddon."

Armageddon means the mountain of Gideon -- call it the Norwegian mountains. There a terrible encounter will take place at the time the human train is formed in the North for its onward journey. The Salvation Army, described in this context (see Rev. 16: 13-16) , having in advance gone out to the kings of the earth, will at this time be ripe for their real object, namely, like Jannes and Jambres in Egypt to appear with spiritual signs and wonders in order to strengthen the belief of the powers that the human train is a work of Satan and that the leading power thereof is the Antichrist of the Scriptures. The spiritual magic powers deceive the governments to march on to Armageddon with the object in view of exterminating this singular and feared new movement, and just then the sword of the Lord (through Ephraim) and that of Gideon (through Manasseh) will carry out the act foreshadowed in the camp of the Midianites below the Gideon-mountain. (See Judges, chapter 7.)