2015-16 STEM Board Events

January 7, 2016: SB Internship Panel

November 4, 2015: Brian Wells guest speaker synopsis

October 21, 2015: Lauren Villaverde guest speaker presentation flyer and synopsis

January 19, 2016, 3-3:30pm: Eric Mazur Guest Speaker Skype Conference

Dr. Mazur is famous not only for his research in optics, but also for his pioneering teaching methods in physics education. During his presentation, Dr. Mazur will discuss both his work in nanoscale optics and Peer Instruction, a novel technique that engages students during class and provides real time feedback to teachers.

January 20, 2016, 3-4pm: Stacey Stewart Guest Speaker Presentation

Stacy Stewart is a Worldwide Director at Johnson and Johnson. She will be speaking about her experience in STEM and giving us valuable advice on entering STEM fields. It would be a great experience for students at MHS to interact with her and learn about STEM opportunities in fields like Healthcare!

February 13-14, 2016: Code Day New Jersey Competition (https://codeday.org/jersey)