Merge Existing Bibliographic Records

There is a procedure librarians can use to merge different bibliographic records and move holdings into a single record

For example, if the catalog has some of the same books but they come up separately in the catalog.  (instead of "1 of 3 available")


1. Click the down arrow on the catalog button and select "cataloging tools".

2. Go to "find and replace" and search for the title of the book you want to merge the holdings from. All bibliographic records with that title should come up in the results display.

3. Place a checkmark in the box to the left of each bibliographic record you want to merge and click the "merge" button next to the bib record you want to keep and the holdings from the other bibliographic to go to.

4. When the merge is complete, there will only be one bibliographic record with all holdings attached to it. The remaining bibliographic records are marked for deletion, in other words, not accessible in the OPAC, but ready to purge when you decide.

Tech tip:

Before this procedure, please make sure "Delete bibliographic when last holding is deleted" is checked off on your settings.