NRS Table 4

Release 2023.7.0

An update was made to Table 4 as part of Release 2023.7.0 on 6/30/2023 to allow users to show ABE subtotal rows on the table. 

Release 2021.6.0

OCTAE released a new version of Table 4 that includes two additional columns for reporting IET and Workplace Literacy measurable skill gains.  The new table was released to LACES on 6/25/2021 as part of Release 2021.6.0.


The new columns (G and N) are on Table 4 but are not required for 2020-2021 FY NRS reporting (due on 10/1/2021).  Beginning in the FY 2021-2022, the new columns will be used in NRS reporting.

Additional LACES WIOA information:

NRS Table 4 - Measurable Skill Gains (MSG) by Entry Level

Table 4 is fiscal year based.  To count on Table 4, students must have at least one Period of Participation (PoP) and be 16 years of age or older at the time of intake.  The grand total on Table 4 column B should match the totals on Tables 1, 2, and 3,  as well as the TOTAL rows for the  Employment and Highest Degree Level of School Completed sections on Table 6.  


●   Columns B and D - J (excepting C) display only the data from the first PoP for each NRS participant. 

●   Columns K - O display the summary data from all PoPs for each NRS participant.

To display the ABE Subtotal rows on Table 4, run the table and then check the box "Show ABE Subtotals." Uncheck the box to remove the subtotal rows. 

Last update:  7/5/2023