NRS Table 10

NRS Table 10: Outcome Achievement for Participants in Correctional Education Programs

Table 10 is FY based and reports current FY MSGs, and outcomes for exited NRS participants in a correctional program.

Correctional students have the Corrections program selected in the student record, or a selection in the Correctional field at the Demographics tab/Demographics panel that contains Yes (Yes, Yes-Community, Yes-County, Yes-State, Yes-Federal).

Correctional students who are still incarcerated at the time of exit are excluded from all outcomes measures, and only report on Table 10 on the first row for Measurable Skill Gains for the current FY.

Correction students who are still incarcerated at the time of exit are excluded from all outcomes measures.  See Correctional Students for more information regarding Release Date. 

Last update:  5/10/2024