NRS Table 5

NRS Table 5:  Exit-Based Primary Indicators of Performance

Table 5 tracks outcome achievements for exited NRS participants. Table 5 reports in arrears.  The collection periods for outcomes varies by outcome, and employment outcomes have specific follow-up periods. 

Table 5 may be ran at the student area on all students for prior or current FY.  Table 5 may be ran at the All PoPs Summary area for the current FY only. 

Table 5, Column A displays the specific indicators of performance (outcome) being tracked and reported. 

Table 5, Column B displays the number of participants who exited who should be tracked for that outcome.

Table 5, Column C displays the number of participants who achieved the outcome, and median earning value for employment. 

Table 5, Column D displays the percentage of participants in column B who achieved the outcome.  The percentage is calculated by dividing Column C by Column B. 

Table 5, Columns B-D populate based on the first period of participation only.

Table 5, Columns E-G populate based on a summary of all qualifying periods of participation for the reporting year.

Students in correctional education who remained incarcerated at exit (determined by the Release Date in the student record at the Demographics tab->Corrections panel) and students who have a report exclusion reason (entered at the Report Exclusion Reason in the student record at the Demographics tab->Demographics panel) do not count on Table 5.

Measure Definitions, Collection Method, and Number Reported information for Table 5 are as follows:

 The easiest way to know if the outcomes are being correctly tracked is to view the Outcomes tab>PoP Summary/Measurable Outcomes panel. Table 5 is an exit based table and only tracks outcomes for exited students, so outcome data will not populate in the summary until the student is exited (without hours or services in 90+ days). Please review the PoP Summary/Measurable Outcomes explanations below.

PoP Summary/Measurable Outcomes columns that indicate MSG do NOT count on Table 5. MSGs count on Table 4. 

Employed 2nd Qtr (Outcome Measure)

Populates based on the Work History panel of the History tab in the student record.

2nd Qtr Employment follow-up:

Do not use the Salary field, as that is not the field used for Table 5.

Even if the work history record indicates a student was Employed-Full or Employed-Part during the 2nd quarter after exit, they will not count as Employed 2nd Quarter if the earnings information has not been entered or is $0.  Enter $1 for the quarterly wage for students who have been followed up and are employed but choose not to disclose their wages 


Follow-up should be done for the 2nd and 4th quarter after exit for EACH period of participation

Employed 4th Qtr (Outcome Measure)

Populates based on the Work History panel of the History tab in the student record.

4th Qtr Employment follow-up:

Do not use the Salary field, as that is not the field used for Table 5.

 Follow-up should be done for the 2nd and 4th quarter after exit for EACH period of participation

2nd Qtr Earnings (Outcome Measure)

Populates based on the Work History panel of the History tab in the student record.

2nd Qtr Earnings follow-up:

Do not use the Salary field, as that is not the field used for Table 5.

Follow-up should be done only for the the 2nd quarter after exit for EACH period of participation


Attained SSD (Outcome Measure)

Populated based on the Assessments panel OR Education tab>Diploma/Credentials panel and the Education tab>Postsecondary Education/Training panel or History tab>Work History panel

This is a combination outcome for students who both Attain their Secondary School Credential/Diploma AND either enter Postsecondary Education and Training or Enter Employment for tracking on Table 5. Attainment of a secondary school credential/diploma as its own outcome is only tracked on Table 4 as a measurable skills gain effective 16/17.

This outcome is only tracked for exited NRS participants who were at a 9th grade level equivalency or higher in the FY in which they exited based on either:

Attainment of a secondary school diploma or its equivalent can be entered one of two ways:

This outcome is additionally used to track the combined outcome of Attained a SSD and Employed within one year of exit, using this indicator with the Work History data for eligible students.

Enrolled PS Ed/Trng  (Outcome Measure)

Populated based on the Education tab>Postsecondary Education/Training panel and the Assessments panel OR Education tab>Diploma/Credentials panel

This is a combination outcome for students who both Attain their Secondary School Credential/Diploma AND then enter Postsecondary Education and Training for tracking on Table 5. Enrollment in PS Education or Training as its own outcome is only tracked on Table 4 as a measurable skills gain effective 16/17.

This outcome is only tracked for exited NRS participants who were at a 9th grade level equivalency or higher in the FY in which they exited based on either:

To indicate enrollment in a PS Education or Training, go to the Education tab>Postsecondary Education or Training panel in the student record. Click +Add New record and indicate the Type of Postsecondary Institution (either Education or Training) and the Date Enrolled, then save.

Attained PS Credential w/n 1 year (Outcome Measure)

Populated based on the Education tab/Postsecondary Education/Training panel (Type + Enrolled Date + Credential Attained + Date Earned)

Students are included in column B for this outcome in one of two ways:

Completion/attainment (inclusion in column C) is indicated by:

You can read additional information related to WIOA changes here:

Last Update: 7/10/2024