NRS Table 3

NRS Table 3:  Participants by Program Type and Age

Table 3 is fiscal year based. To count on Table 3, students must have at least one Period of Participation (PoP) in the fiscal year, and be 16 years of age or older at the time of intake (note that some states have higher age requirements for admission). The total in column P on Table 3 should match the total on Tables 1, 2, and 4, as well as the TOTAL rows for the  Employment and Highest Degree Level of School Completed sections on Table 6.  

TTIP:  If the employment and education totals on Table 6 do not match the totals on Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4, run the Student Diagnostic search to find students who are missing employment or education information in their LACES records.

 Additional LACES WIOA information:

To enroll students in an Integrated Education Training Program (IETP) at the time of enrollment:

1. Open the class record and click the Enrollment tab.

2. Click the Enroll button. 

3. At the Enroll Students in Class date chooser window,  select the students to enroll by clicking the checkbox on the row.

4. Select either "IETP" or  "IETP/Credential" at the bottom left of the window.  (Note that some clients may have additional IETP selections.)

5. Enter the Enroll Date.

6. If not all of the selected students are in an IETP or have the same enrollment date, click the Show Selected button to display the selected students.  "IETP" and "Enroll Date" may be edited for individual students.

7. Click the Enroll Students button.  

To enroll students in an Integrated Education Training Program (IETP) after they are already enrolled in a class without the IETP indicator:

1. Open the enrollment record at either the student or class record in which the student is enrolled. 

2. Select either "IETP" or  "IETP/Credential" at the IETP field. 

3. Click Save.  


1. Open the class record.

2. Click the Enrollment tab. 

3. Click the Update Enrollment Data button. 

4. Select the students to update.

5. The students will automatically display in a separate editable grid.

6. "IETP" may be edited for individual students. 

7. Click Save.


TIP:  Students who had an "IETP/Credential" enrollment will be included in the denominator for Table 5 in column B on the row "Attained a Postsecondary Credential while enrolled or within one year or exit."  The student must still earn a postsecondary credential within one year of the PoP Exit Date to count as achieving the outcome.


Last update:  6/29/2023