Hand Dribble

Hand Dribble: Prep K-5:

K Grade: Hand Dribble:

**I can place my non-dominant hand on top of ball and other hand on bottom of ball while dropping and catching ball 5 consecutive times.


1st Grade: Hand Dribble:

**I can correctly dribble with each hand without losing control of the ball, at least 5 consecutive dribbles.


2nd Grade: Hand Dribble:

**I can show correct form while walking and dribbling and 8-10 inch ball at least 30 feet with the dominant hand, then the non-dominant hand, 2 consecutive times.


3rd Grade: Hand Dribble:

**I can show correct Push and Catch and Non-dominant Push and Catch. (MMC.7,8,11)(MOP.1,3)(MMS.4,5)(KMC.7,8)(KMS.4)(APE.1)(BRP.2)

4th Grade: Hand Dribble:

**I can use Front and Side, Push, V, Lift, and Keep My Eyes Forward correctly when Alternating Hands while dribbling.


5th Grade: Hand Dribble:

**I can Step, Start, and Change Directions while dribbling.
