Forehand Strike

Forehand Strike: 3rd Grade:

**I can show correct elements of form when executing a move from the ready position to a side orientation.

A. Grip: Dominant hand. “V” between the thumb and 1st finger on top of handle.

B. Ready position:

Striking hand: Face target, head up, weight distributed on balls of feet, feet shoulder-width apart, knees and hips slightly bent.

Non-striking hand is on top of ball with hand and ball resting on the racket throat, hands in front of body at waist height, racket head below chin level and elbows close to body.

C. Pivot on striking –side foot to a side orientation, bringing the non-striking foot forward toward the target, with shoulder, hips and toes parallel to the intended flight of the ball, head upright, while extending the striking arm to the side (away from target) so the racket head is below knee level.

D. Drop the non-striking hand off the racket and extend the non-striking arm to the side (toward the target).


Forehand Strike: 4th Grade:

**I can show correct form when striking a self-dropped tennis ball so it travels forward 35 feet in the air, 3 consecutive times.


Forehand Strike: 5th Grade:

**I can show correct form when striking a self-dropped tennis ball so it travels 35 feet (or width of activity area) over a net and lands in-bounds, 3 consecutive times.
