Summer Programs

We encourage all of our students to participate in clubs, athletics, community service, and any other organizations they feel comfortable in to help boost their resumes for their life goals after high school. A great way to boost one's resume is to participate in summer programs. Summer programs are typically offered by accredited organizations to help prepare students for college, improve their leadership abilities, and help them grow as individuals. The majority of the summer programs are for students in 9th-11th grade, however, some institutions have summer programs for junior high students as well. Summer programs are a great way for students to learn about specific career fields, learn what it's like to live on a college campus, and get hands on learning experiences with peers from around the country. Below is a current list of summer program information that has been mailed to our school, and that we have had students participate in over the years. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your counselor.