Mental Health Resources

Mental Health Resources

How to Find What is Needed:

Identifying that we need some extra help is just the first step. It can leave us with a sense of, "now what?" The document in the link below is designed to help with next steps whether you are looking for a therapist or need crisis services, resources are provided here. Resources listed here are but a few of the mental health resources in the Jefferson County area. Simply click on the link below to access. They are provided not as a recommendation, but as a convenience. Additional resources can be found with an online search or by reaching out directly to your insurance carrier.

The Jeffco Student Health Advisory Council (SHAC) has been working on a campaign aimed at destigmatizing mental health through the promotion of coping skills. The campaign is meant to encourage students to share their personal experiences with their peers, offer an outlet for them to cope with their stress and anxiety, and empower youths and their families with a collection of mental health resources. Visit the SHAC Mental Health Website to learn more.