Financial Aid

One of the most important factors to look at when applying for college is can we afford this school. With the influx in college tuition every year, school's are starting to become more terrifying based on their price. As a counseling department here at D'Evelyn we don't want our students to shy away from their dream schools because of financial scares. Some of the best ways to work around large financial gaps are to look for scholarships, merit based awards, grants, and loans. For the majority of these awards students will need to complete the FAFSA. We have added a powerpoint presentation at the bottom of the page, which goes into more detail about FAFSA and financial aid. Please look through the additional materials below for more insight into financial aid. We encourage students to come and talk to their counselor for more information.

Paying for College

Click here for more information about the different types of financial aid, and to learn more about financial aid terms (i.e. expected family contribution, merit aid, preferential packaging, work-study, etc.).

Colorado Opportunity Fund

Click here to learn more about the Colorado Opportunity Fund and to apply for the stipend. This stipend is awarded to Colorado students who are attending a participating Colorado institution. The majority of college institutions in Colorado participate, but for the full list please click on the link.


Click here to be directed to the official FAFSA website. Click here for FAQ about Federal Student Aid. As stated above, the majority of institutions will require students to fill out the FAFSA in order to receive any student aid including scholarships, grants, work-study, and loans.