Gina Writz

Gina Writz

Jr. High 6th - 8th Grade Counselor

Alphabet: M-Z


Office Hours:

About Me: My name is Gina Writz and I am excited to be returning to D'Evelyn Junior/Senior High School.  I was fortunate enough to do my counseling internship here and have always looked forward to returning one day.  I am excited to begin my 17th year as a Jeffco Counselor!  I am a Jeffco graduate, from Bear Creek High School and I earned my undergraduate degree from Colorado State University...GO RAMS!!!  After graduating from college, I knew that a career in education and counseling was the career path for me.  I absolutely love working with students of all ages.  Being a junior high counselors at D'Evelyn, I get the amazing opportunity to meet these students at the start of their D'Evelyn career and watch them mature into amazing young adults.  I absolutely admire the structure and standards in place at D'Evelyn.  A D'Evelyn education enables students to enter the world with amazing skills and talents that they will carry with them throughout their lives and am happy to be a part of that process.  

 I have always enjoyed participating in sports, getting outdoors, playing golf when time allows.  I am also a huge animal lover and wildlife advocate! 

I have a wonderful family who is supportive of each other and we are extremely close.  I also have a son and a daughter who happily take up most of my spare time and who have made my world complete. When it comes to family, I got lucky:) My son is an extremely happy and outgoing little guy and I have a feeling my daughter is going to boss all of us around one day.  Both of my kids have inherited my gift of gab!