
What is VITALITY and why does it matter?

To what degree do you have healthy practices to give you the energy and focus you need to succeed fully?

Why it matters:

Physical Health (exercise, nutrition and sleep) provides a powerful preventative force for mental wellbeing.

Contemplative and spiritual practices feed one’s overall life satisfaction.

Healthy Intake

3 meals a day:

"Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” -Michael Pollen. Learn more.

Drink when you are thirsty. Most people need at least 8 Cups (2 liters of water). More if you are active.  

More information here


You need to make time for cardio exercise 3 times a week of at least 20 minutes in the zone.

Here are some great at home workouts. 


Get a minimum of 7.5 hours a night of sleep...every night.

Learn more about why sleep matters and how to improve your sleep. 

Learn more.


People who journal, meditate or practice another contemplative practice have higher levels of life satisfaction. 

Learn more. 

Spiritual Practices

People who have a regular spiritual practice report high levels of life satisfaction and happiness. Learn more