Letters of Recommendation

Uploading your recommendation to CIALFO


Follow this guide to upload your recommendation to CIALFO. See any of the Counselors if you need help or run into any problems. 

Organized Narrative/Bullet point letters

Yes, you can write your letters in the traditional format, or you can focus on rich bullets to help convey what makes the student tick in your classroom. The video below features Mihelle Rasich, credited with bringing this style of letters to the forefront. We have discussed with with many college admission deans and they really like this format, so feel free to use it. 

Teacher Recommendations - Writing Compelling Letters

Writing and Evaluating Letters of Recommendation for Character

Want to get better at bringing forth a student's character in your letter? Take this free course

This course presents strategies for writing letters of recommendation that address character. The course provides guidance to college admission officers in interpreting, assessing, and rating character factors presented in recommendations.