


Invasion of Judah

Doom of the Chaldeans

"The Just Shall Live by Faith"


    This prophecy belongs to period between 625 and 606 8.c., probably  about 607 B.C., early in Jehoiakim's reign. The Chaldeans (Babylonians) were sweeping westward (1:6), but had not yet reached Judah (3:16). Chronology of the period was:

Chapter 1:1 -11. Habakkuk's Complaint

    The prophecy is a complaint to God that his own nation should be destroyed, for its wickedness, by a nation that was more wicked. Habakkuk could not see the justice of such a thing.

    God's Answer. God replied that He Himself had a purpose in the terrorizing conquests of the Chaldean armies.

Chapters 1:12-2:20. Habakkuk's second Complaint

    Acknowledging that Judah deserved punishment for her Sins, and correction, Habakkuk seeks further enlightenment.

 God's Answer. The Chaldean power, drunk with the blood of nations, shall, in her turn, be destroyed; and God's People shall yet fill the earth..

Chapter 3. Habakkuk's Prayer

    A cry to God to do again his wonders, as of old; yet with sublime resignation, and confidence in the eternal security of God's people (16-19). The lesson of the book is, Man shall live by Faith (2 :2-4).

    Faith is the ability to feel so sure of God, that, no matter how dark the day, there is no doubt as to the outcome. For God's people there is a GLORIOUS FUTURE. It may be a long way off. But it is absolutely Sure. Thus, in the midst of his gloom and despair, Habakkuk was an optimist of the first magnitude.