

 Oracles of the Ancient World

    HABAKKUK 1 An oracle is any divine pronouncement through a prophet that directs human action in the present or foretells future events. In the Old Testament an oracle always refers to a communication from God through a prophet (2Ki 9:25; Isa 13:1; Hab 1:1; Mal 1:1).The three New Testament instances of oracles all have Israel's God as their source and refer to the revelation begun in the Old Testament and finalized in Christ (Ac 7:38; Ro 3:2; Heb 5:12 with 1:1-2). Significantly, Scripture (Nu 22-24; 1Ki 18:20 —40), along with numerous extrabiblical texts from Syria-Palestine,Anatolia,1 Mesopotamia and (to a lesser extent) Egypt, attest to the fact that peoples of other nations believed that they, too, received oracles from their gods. 

    Prophets of the pagan deities sometimes delivered messages similar to those of Israel's prophets. Like Israel's God, these gods purportedly demanded homage and declared judgments. But Biblical prophecy was distinct in at least three ways: