

Luke's Time

Vital statistics

 The Parables of Jesus Christ

Demons in the New Testament

     unclean spirits (Matt. 10:1; Mark 6:7)

     Legion, probably a collective name for a group of demons rather than the name of a single demon (Mark 5:9; Luke 8:30)

     wicked or evil spirits (Luke 7:21; Acts 19:12–13)

     a spirit of divination (Acts 16:16)

     deceiving spirits (1 Tim. 4:1)

     the spirit of error (1 John 4:6)

     spirits of demons (Rev. 16:14)

 Gospel accounts found only in Luke

The Blueprint




     1. Jesus's ministry in Galilee

     2. Jesus's ministry on the way to Jerusalem 

     3. Jesus's ministry in Jerusalem


 From an infant who could do nothing on his own, Jesus grew to become completely able to fulfill his mission on earth. He was fully human, developing in all ways like us. Yet he remained fully God. He took no shortcuts and was not isolated from the pressures and temptations of life. There are no shortcuts for us either as we prepare for lives of service to God.  

 Jesus taught great crowds of people, especially through parables, which are stories that illustrate great truths. But only those with ears to hear will understand. We should pray that God's Spirit would help us understand the implications of these truths for our lives so we can become more and more like Jesus. 

 The Savior of the world was arrested and executed. But death could not destroy him, and Jesus came back to life and ascended to heaven. In Luke's careful, historical account, we receive the facts about Jesus' resurrection.

 We must not only believe that these facts are true, but we must also trust Christ as our Savior. It is shortsighted to neglect the facts, but how sad it is to accept the facts and neglect the forgiveness that Jesus offers to each of us.   

Seven Sabbath Miracles

Over the centuries, the Jewish religious leaders had added rule after rule to God's law. For example, God's law said the Sabbath is a day of rest (Exodus 20:10). But the religious leaders added to that law, creating one that said, "You cannot heal on the Sabbath" because that is "work." Seven times Jesus healed people on the Sabbath. In doing this, he was challenging these religious leaders to look beyond their rules to their true purpose-to honor God by helping those in need. Would God have been pleased if Jesus had ignored these people?

 Jesus's Trial

Jesus' trial was actually a series of hearings, carefully controlled to accomplish the death of Jesus. The verdict was predecided, but certain "legal" procedures were necessary. A lot of effort went into condemning and crucifying an innocent man. Jesus went through an unfair trial in our place so that we would not have to face a fair trial and receive the well-deserved punishment for our sins.

Luke Overview