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The Colossians Heresy

    Paul answered the varios tenets of the Colossians heresy that threatened the church. This heresy was a "mixed bag," containing elements from several different heresies, some of which contradicted each other (as the chart shows). 

How to pray for other Christians

The Blueprint

 1. What Christ has done (1:1-2:23)

 2. What Christians should do (3:1-4:8) 

 In this letter Paul clearly teaches that Christ has paid for sin, that Christ has reconciled us to God, and that Christ gives us the pattern and the power to grow spiritually. Because in Christ lives all the fullness of God, when we learn what he is like, we see what we need to become. Since Christ is Lord over all creation, we should crown him Lord over our lives. Since Christ is the head of the body, his church, we should nurture our vital connection to him.  

Titles of Christ

Colossians Overview