

Mark's Time

Vital statistics

The Miracles of Jesus

“No sign [miracle] shall be given to this generation!” Jesus declared to the Pharisees (Mark 8:12). Jesus wanted to avoid giving in to His opponents’ demand for a miracle, but He had performed plenty of miracles already and would perform many more, as the following table shows:

Prominent Jewish Religious and Political Groups

Gospel Accounts found only in Mark

Jesus' Prophecies in the Olivet Discourse

Evidence that Jesus actually died and arose

The Blueprint




Jesus did not arrive unannounced or unexpected. The Old Testament prophets had clearly predicted the coming of a great one, sent by God himself, who would offer salvation and eternal peace to Israel and the entire world. Then came John the Baptist, who announced that the long-awaited Messiah had finally come and would soon be among the people. In God’s work in the world today, Jesus does not come unannounced or unexpected. Yet many still reject him. We have the witness of the Bible, but some choose to ignore it, just as many ignored John the Baptist in his day.

Jesus had all the power of God; He raised the dead, gave sight to the blind, restored deformed bodies, and quieted stormy seas. But with all this power, Jesus came to humanity as a servant. We can use his life as a pattern for how to live today. As Jesus served God and others, so should we.

Jesus came as a servant, so many did not recognize or acknowledge him as the Messiah. We must be careful that we don’t reject God or his will because he doesn’t quite fit our image of what God should be.  

Mark Overview