

Colossians Applications

        1) Examine your lifestyle. What are you pursuing? Does it have eternal value? Is it drawing you closer to God or keeping you from time alone with God in prayer and in studying the Word? Are you seeking things that are above or earthly things?

        2) Examine your beliefs. Are you being deluded with any modern-day philosophies or traditions that contradict the Word or aren't in the Word? Any legalistic rules that are not clearly taught in the New Testament? Any mystical teaching or  prophecies that can't be supported in the Word of God or that have tendency to add something that isn't there or that  seem to be only for an elite group of people?

        3) Inductive Bible study takes time. The enemy will do all he can to keep you from knowing God and His Word intimately,  for truth is your major defense and offense in spiritual warfare. Are you going to make it your goal to let the Word of   Christ richly dwell within you and to walk in its precepts?

        4) Are you proclaiming the Lord Jesus Christ and holding firmly to all He is and all that you have in Him as He is presented  in Colossians?

        5) As you studied Colossians, did you see any areas in your life in which you are falling short or simply walking in            disobedience to God's Word? What steps are you going to take in order to correct these?

Colossians Themes of Application