
2 Samuel

2 Samuel Time

Vital statistics

Events of David’s Reign

David’s Triumphs (2:4)

David was a man after God’s own heart (1 Sam. 13:14), that is, his will was completely committed to the will of his Lord. As a dedicated servant of God, he was used by God to perform mighty acts for the sake of His chosen people Israel.

King of Judah (2:4)

King of Israel (5:3)

Conquers Jerusalem (5:7)

Returns ark (6:12)

Davidic covenant (7:16)

Defeats Philistines (8:1)

Defeats Moab (8:2)

Defeats Syria (8:6)

Defeats Ammon (11:1)

David's Family Tree 

 David's family troubles

David's many wives caused him much grief. And as a result of David's sin with Bathsheba, God said that murder would be a constant threat in his family, his family would rebel, and someone else would sleep with his wives. All this happened as the prophet Nathan had predicted. The consequences of sin affect not only us but those we know and love. Remember that the next time you are tempted to sin.


Character in the drama of 2 Samuel

It can be confusing to keep track of all the characters introduced in the first few chapters of 2 Samuel. Here is some help.

 The Blueprint

   A. DAVID'S SUCCESSES (1:1-10:19)

   B. DAVID'S STRUGGLES (11:1-24:25)

   David took the fractured kingdom that Saul had left behind and built a strong, united power. Forty years later, David would turn this kingdom over to his son Solomon. David had a heart for God. He was a king who governed God's people by God's principles, and God blessed him greatly. We may not have David's earthly success, but following God is, ultimately, the most successful decision we can make. 

   David sinned with, Bathsheba and then tried to cover his sin by having her husband killed. Although he was forgiven for his sin, the consequences remained-he experienced trouble and distress, both with his family and with the nation. God is always ready to forgive, but we must live with the consequences of our actions. Covering up out sin will only multiply sin's painful consequences.  

Second Samuel Overview