

Hebrews Application


        1) Meditate on the truths you learned about Jesus. Do you see Him as “better than…”? How supreme is He in your life?

        2) As you press on to Christian maturity, are you noticing a new sense of confidence in your God? Is your faith being    strengthened? Are you drawing near God? Do you think Jesus understands what you’re going through? Can He really help?

        3) Are you laying aside every encumbrance (every weighty thing that is slowing you down) and every sin, and running with endurance the race set before you? If not, what is holding you back?

        4) How are your morals? Do you believe and live in the light of the fact that God will judge fornicators and adulterers?

        5) Are you continually offering up the sacrifice of praise? What are some things you can thank God for today?

Hebrews Themes of Application