October 2019

Post date: Oct 07, 2019 6:47:40 PM

Fall is here. Here at Flo-Ro we are trying to keep our classrooms healthy and ready to learn. Please review the "When kids are sick" tab for guidance when it is best to keep your child home from school.

FLU Season

Flu season is upon us. To help you and your family stay healthy wash your hands frequently, cover you cough and sneeze, get good nights sleep, and get your vitamins from eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. Also, discuss with your doctor about receiving the flu shot.

Nashoba Board of Health Flu Clinics- Link to local flu clinics

Hearing and Vision Screening

Starting on October 15th Flo-Ro will begin the annual hearing and vision screening.

Kindergarten-Hearing and Vision

1st grade-Hearing, Vision, and BMI

2nd grade-Hearing and Vision

3rd grade-Hearing and Vision

4th grade-Vision and BMI

IF you DO NOT want your child screened please fill out the form below and return to the school nurse

Opt out of Screenings Form