January 2018

Post date: Jan 18, 2018 1:56:46 PM

My goal as a school nurse is to keep the students at Flo-Ro healthy so that they can be in the classroom ready to learn. I am often reinforcing proper hand washing, cough and sneeze etiquette, and ways for to keep our bodies healthy during the winter season.

It is also important that when we are sick to stay home and rest. Proper rest and nutrition are essential when we are not well. So please remember to keep you child home when they are not feeling well. You can refer to "When kids are sick" tab on the left

As long as the "feel like" temperature is above 20 degrees we go out to recess for fresh air and exercise!!

Please remember to send your child with hat, mittens, boots, and snow pants to that they can join their friends on the playground.