January 2017

Post date: Jan 04, 2017 8:49:40 PM




We love recess...exercise and physical activity are an important part of our day. We will go outside as long as temperature is above 24 degrees. With this in mind please make sure your child has the appropriate winter gear.






*Pants-if your child wears shorts during the day they should have pants to slip on for recess

If your child does not have a coat, they will not be allowed to go outdoors for recess.

This time of year we see an increase in illness-cough, colds, stomach bugs, and the flu-just to name a few. A healthy school requires the effort and cooperation of us all. PLEASE help Florence Roche and your family stay healthy with these healthy habits:

*Cover your cough and sneeze please

* Wash, wash, wash your hands-with soap and water

*If you or your child are ill stay home. You don't want to spread illness to others.

*Try not to tough your mouth,eyes, or nose-germs are easily spread this way.

*A child who was vomiting the night before or the morning of a school day needs to stay home from school