SoundStage - VR

Reflection to be completed at end of your project

SoundStage is a virtual reality music sandbox built specifically for room-scale VR. Whether you’re a professional DJ creating a new sound, or a hobbyist who wants to rock out on virtual drums, SoundStage gives you a diverse toolset to express yourself.

If you look at old rock concerts, you’ll see these HUGE synthesizers that the musicians connect together to make electronic sounds. These instruments are literally enveloping the player. SoundStage attempts to capture the feel of those epic music machines then take it to the next level with tools only possible in a virtual environment. All in a world inspired by the airbrush paintings and computer graphics of the 80s.

Hook up your sounds to the electro-maracas, drive your keyboard with a 3D theremin, and get ready to jam in your VR SoundStage.


SoundStage Tutorial #1: Basic Navigation and Oscillator

SoundStage Tutorial #2: Sampler and Sequencer

SoundStage Tutorial #3: Keyboard and XyloRoll