Standards Based Grading

When I think about the changes I've made to my teaching that have had the greatest potential to impact my students learning the switch to SBG ranks at or near the top.

I know of a number of teachers who have used or currently are using standards based grading in their classrooms at DC. I've listed them below. These would also be good people to talk to. I've also listed some people who have expressed an interest in possibly using SBG in their classes. If you want me to add (or remove) you from either list, please let me know.

Teachers at DC currently doing/or have done Standards Based Grading

    • Steve Dickie

    • John Breen

    • Serge DF

    • Vance Nannini

    • Laura Fanning

DC Teachers I've talked with who are Contemplating Standards Based Grading

    • Natalie Karl

    • Matt Mooney

    • Matt Moore

    • Ronda Sovine

Some Resources: