OnLine Art with Mrs. Buchner

4-20-20 assemblage from nature


Monday, April 20th Art Challenge

Welcome to nature week! All of our projects this week will focus on nature. Hopefully the weather will cooperate so we can do some outdoor art. For today's challenge you will need to go on a nature walk with a collecting bag. Look for things that have interesting shapes and textures like sticks, rocks, leaves, nut shells...whatever catches your eye. When you are done, arrange these items into artwork. Mrs Buchner made a nature self portrait, but you can make anything you want!

Challenge: Make a found object art project out of thing you find in nature.

If you want to do challenges from other days, you can find them all here: Art Challenge Archives.

While you are at home you can still share your artwork with Mrs. Buchner! Here's a quick and easy way to do it:

Challenge Accepted