American History

American History

(G332, G341, G342)

(Mr. Seely G342)

(Mr. Cosentino G341)

(Mrs. Moll G342)

(Mr. Levanti G342)

(Mrs. Wedoff)

American History, or its equivalent, is a required course for graduation in the state of Illinois. All students must take and pass American History, American Studies, or AP American History in order to graduate. This option in American History is a survey of United States from the Colonial Era to the present. Students will experience a variety of lessons and activities designed to introduce students to the history of the United States and culture.


During first semester students will experience:

- The Colonial Era

- The Causes of the Revolutionary War

- The Making of Early America

- The Age of Andrew Jackson

- Manifest Destiny

- Sectionalism

- The Civil War

- The Gilded Age

- The Age of Imperialism

- World War I


During second semester students will experience:

- The 1920s

- The Great Depression

- World War II

- The 1950s

- The Cold War

- The Vietnam Era

- Current America