Pakistan - The ongoing journey of the integration of the SALT approach in Pakistan

The ongoing journey of the integration of the SALT approach in Pakistan

We began our journey in February 2017 after attending training on SALT facilitated by two Constellation facilitators namely Luc & Clair. We used four tools with good effects (what I am proud of; what is humanity; story telling; and dream building). We integrated these tools during training of our field workers at Indus Hospital in Karachi; in communities groups we work with; and in village dissemination seminars in two mountain villages. We explored the meaning of STIMULATION and APPRECIATION in our local languages with aim of indigenizing SALT approach in our own local contexts. We tried to link SALT approach with participatory tools whose ideological underpinnings are same.

Apart from these successes, we also faced challenges during this journey. For instance, the Karachi SALT Group we formed, nobody is using SALT except for few. Even though there curiosity, there is no further inquiry for learning. It seems that use of SALT is individual dependent, institutional drive for integrating is missing.

What is our shared dream for Pakistan?To develop a center for community engagement that will serve as national and regional resource for building community ownership