What happened when 2 young people joined the group of elderly people in Katibulu…

A story of Local Response from Kitubulu community, Uganda by Sahondra

What happened when 2 young people joined the group of elderly people in Katibulu…

Full of love and passion, Abdallah and Harriett, 2 young people from the village joined the group of elderly people in Katibulu. They decided to volunteer their expertise, their strength for the well being of the members of the group.

Abdallah Adams felt that there was too much individualism in the village while the "Mama" had a common dream: “Living in happiness with good health, good nutrition, a better lifestyle for the sake of all.” With the idea in his head, little by little, he persuaded the "Mama" of the village. He visited them, and each time explained to them the power and strength to be together to support one another.

Because Abdallah was a child of the village, he was immediately accepted by the LAM who gave him food when he arrived at her home at mealtime. For him, the journey to reach his dream "Unite the elderly for the good cause" began.

On his way, he encountered many challenges, but despite the various difficulties there are currently 46 members in the group. It is clear that each member has their responsibilities to manage the group under the leadership of Mama Rehema Asumani. She is proud to say that, even with little money, the group manages to help each other to prevent diseases and to help with the education of little children. And together they organized the sale of their handicrafts.

Proud of the results of this initiative, and the efforts made by the members of the group, the young Abdallah to decide to continue his support to the members of the group in serenity and faith to achieve his dream.

For her part, Harriet Nakatude, a very dynamic young woman with all her abilities and skills as a farmer, breeder, craftsman and cook, shares her know-how without hustling the members of the group. For her it is "All for one and one for all"

Proud of their dozens of certificates for participation in various multisectoral training, in a small area of land, they can combine many different activities such as market gardening, chicken coop, a garden. This allows them to provide for their family needs and to give help and support to others.

Very active, Harriet is confident that together with solidarity, tenacity and perseverance the group will reach their dream.

When 2 young people from the village joined the group of elderly people in Katibulu, their love, care, enthusiasm and skills produced a united group of people that could support themselves.