EmpireCraft: Rebuilding Tenochtitlan

Driving Question or Challenge:

How did the Aztec Worldview influence the design and structure of Tenochtitlan, and how can we use this knowledge to rebuild a sustainable modern city? 

Real-world Context:

Students will explore the historical and cultural significance of Tenochtitlan, considering how the Aztec worldview shaped its development. They will then apply this understanding to address modern urban planning challenges, emphasizing sustainability and cultural preservation. 

In-depth Inquiry:

The project will prompt students to delve into primary and secondary sources to investigate the Aztec worldview, the geographical challenges faced by the Aztecs, and the innovative solutions implemented in Tenochtitlan. Students will analyze different perspectives, ask critical questions, and propose creative ideas for rebuilding a city inspired by Tenochtitlan. 

Student Voice and Choice:

Students will have the autonomy to choose the specific aspects of Tenochtitlan they want to focus on, the methods of research they prefer, and the format in which they present their findings. This freedom fosters creativity, engagement, and personalized learning experiences.


Regular reflection exercises will encourage students to contemplate their research process, insights gained, challenges faced, and personal growth throughout the project. Reflection activities will help students solidify their learning and enhance their metacognitive skills.

Critique and Revision:

A culture of feedback will be cultivated in which students provide constructive criticism to their peers and use feedback to revise and improve their work continuously. This iterative process promotes collaboration, critical thinking, and a growth mindset.