
How did the worldviews of the Spanish and Aztecs influence 

the strategies they used against one another?

Spanish Strategy

     On route to the "heart of the Aztec Empire", Cortés  met other Indigenous peoples and had to either befriend them or wage war on them. 

Using an Intermediary

After defeating the Tabascan people, the Spanish were given many gifts:

     One slave was Malinche, who came from a noble family but was sold into slavery after the death of her father.  Using Malinche as an intermediary, Cortés was able to use her as an advisor and a spy.  Over time, Malinche converted to christianity and was taught Spanish.  With this young lady being able to speak Mayan, Nahuatl and Spanish, Cortés' success rate was increased. 

The March to Tenochtitlan

After meeting different groups on his way to Tenochtitlan, Cortés was able to develop a strategy that would give him the upper hand:

Aztec Strategy

     With only 6000 Tlaxcalans, 400 Spaniards and a dozen horses, Cortés  walked into the city of Tenochtitlan.  Moctezuma chose to see what the Spaniards would do before deciding to act himself.  This was the worst choice he could possibly make.  

The Battle for Tenochtitlan

Moctezuma brought the Spanish troops to his late fathers house.  Mesmerized by the gold found here, Cortés decided to attack.  

After being placed in house arrest, Moctezuma was forced into Spanish rule.

Governor Veláquez sent troops to arrest Cortés for not listening to the governor.  Trying to deal with the situation, Pedro de Alvarado was left in charge of Tenochtitlan, while Cortés left to address the issue of on the coast.  Alvarado allowed the Aztecs to have a festival, while which all the dancers were massacred.  

Defeating Velázques's forces, the soldiers were convinced to join the fight against Tenochtitlan.  Upon returning, all Tenochtitlan was in an uproar. While trying to speak to his people, Moctezuma was stoned by his people and eventually died by his injuries.  Fleeing for their lives, the Aztecs attacked the Spanish and many were killed or driven out of Tenochtitlan.  

Damage done to Tenochtitlan by the Spanish:

Final chapter assignment

Using all the information learned from chapter 7 - 10, write and deliver a newscast from the Aztec point of view during the Spanish conquest.  Be sure to include details on weaponry and smallpox in your report to the class.


Using all the information learned from chapter 7 - 10, write and deliver a newscast from the Spanish point of view during the Spanish conquest.  Be sure to include details on weaponry and smallpox in your report to the class.