Society and the Arts


During the early stages of the Renaissance, art was beginning to be looked at as a valuable part of a persons life.  As discussed previously, only the wealthy merchant class were able to afford this new luxury.  Without this influence from the wealthy and government officials, many of the beautiful murals, paintings, and architectures would not be here today.  

Patrons - people who paid an artist to produce a work

These patrons had many of their private homes and public buildings decorated by famous artists.  

Renaissance Era for Art/Drama


Renaissance Art from Robin Burke

Inspiration for much of this art came from the Greeks and Romans.  During the Middle Ages, much of the art was reflective of their view on religion.  As the new artist began to emerge in the new era, many included humanist ideas.  

Read page 71


The book De Architectura was rediscovered during the Renaissance.  Roman architect Marcus Vitruvius Pollio influenced architects to include classical features in their work.  By educating professionals in the work force to be like artists, the status of the profession was raised. 


During the Middle Ages, craftspeople included sculptors.  These men were part of the team who constructed buildings, as they carved biblical stories into the stone.  There was no sense of pride, as we see today with the signing of the artwork.  As the status of art developed a new reputation, so did the sculptors of the times. 


vernacular - the language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region 1

At the beginning of the Renaissance, many historical books were being translated into other languages.  With time, many books were being written in the vernacular.  Within these new writings, humanism influenced writers to express their thoughts and emotions.  

Petrarchan Love - Example of how the then modern thinking influenced an entire genre of writing.

Christine de Pisan - First female Renaissance writer


In groups of 2, complete the following chart:  Medieval and Renaissance Art Comparison

Resources Used

1. Google Dictionary 

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