Made in Bangladesh

While watching this documentary, you will be completing a worksheet that is found in Google Classroom. You will want to reflect on some of these questions related to worldview to help you get a better understanding of who you are and what you believe in.

Task 1: Interesting Facts

During the movie, record interesting facts and new information you learned:

  1. List the 5 (or more) most interesting facts you learned and why this was interesting to you
  2. Record connections between the video and
  • your own life
  • beliefs or ideas about the subject that the video reinforced
  • changes you or other people may make as a result of seeing the video

Task 2: Connections to Worldviews

Complete the questions in the chart based on the elements of worldview

Task 3: Reflection

Using the same format we have used for writing reflections, prepare a reflection responding to the following reflective question:

Since watching the documentary "Made in Bangladesh" how has your worldview changed?