Critical Thinking Skills

8.S.1 - Students will develop skills of critical thinking and creative thinking

When you look at this picture, what comes to mind?

Explain why you feel this picture is self explanatory or confusing.

What have you learn, in this class, about thinking skills?

What is the value in learning how to improve thinking skills?

What is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking takes place when you look at something really hard to get a better idea of what it really means.  

This thinking process comes from the word critical which means crucial  and Ancient Greek for discerning judgement.


What would creative thinking be?

Learning how to think critically and creatively can help you....

You may have already seen this little test:

Join these dots together with only 4 lines.

How many different ways can we come up with?  Notice that there are more ways than one!  This is what Creative and Critical thinking are like.  There can be more ways to get the end result.  

Working through an example

Time to practice

Look at this picture

A picture says a thousand words!

Explaining the Image

Images can provide a lot of important information about a situation.  

Your task is to develop an information explanation for this image.  

Using the Explaining the Image handout, record the 5W's of this picture under the section Observation.  

Looking deeper at the picture, are there some inferences that you can make about this boy?  

What proof do you have to support your inferences? 

          There are many possible responses to this picture.  The important part of this exercise is to have you determine what makes an explanation informative.  For example, can I say this boy likes macaroni and cheese for lunch?  Why or why not?

Information must be:

More information on the picture:  this young Taiwanese boy works long hours selling souvenirs

How does this bit of information change your previous thoughts/impressions?

Putting It All Together

Page 8.pdf

Using the handout Explaining The Image, complete your summary based on the image above.


Review the slides in your Learning Support Journal from slide 13 - 29.


Now that we have practiced with two images, complete the Image Analysis using the same document as before, for this image.