Cornell Note-Taking Method

Cornell Note-Taking Method

The Cornell Note-taking Method allows students to read a set of text and record notes (such as an outline) prior to class discussion or lecture on the topic. The structure allows for additional information to be recorded on the page. The Cornell Note Taking system can be used for taking notes while reading text and for taking notes from a teacher presentation. 

The note taking strategy involves two columns. One column is for recording the notes while the other column serves to organize the notes. Students should be reminded that effective note taking requires that only important information be listed, complete thoughts should be listed and not whole sentences, and to use abbreviations when possible.

The strategy is particularly effective for studying since the pages can be overlapped side-by-side to show only the left columns. Students can then use the labels to recall the information or to formulate potential assessment items.

1. Use 8 1/2 x 11 inch line notebook paper.

3. Draw a line 2 ½ inches from the left margin.

4. Write title and date the notes. Students should only write on the front side of the paper.

5. Notes should be written on the right side of the paper. Headings and labels should be listed on the left side of the paper.

6. A follow-up activities will be assigned to use the information that you have recorded.

Quick Start Guide

Cornell Note-taking (WikiHow)