Concept Mapping

A concept map is a visual aid to identify the connections between ideas, terms, and processes. 

Unlike a simple web, a concept map contains linking words. The concepts are linked words like verbs to show their interactions. 

Here are the simple directions to the task:

1. If you are reading about a topic, write the important concepts as nouns. It could be vocabulary. It could be big ideas. Use the text features (boldness, highlights, titles, subtitles, etc.) to determine the important ideas from the author. Make these into your nouns!

2. Write the nouns on post-it notes OR write them on a sheet of paper in a manner that closer related topics are in closer proximity. Then, draw a circles around the nouns.

3. Drawing connections is the power of the concept map. 

A. Use arrows to show how one noun connects to another. 

B.  linking word (or phrase) is used to connected the two nouns. This is best as an action verb so that the connection read like a sentence. 

C. Make all possible connections in between the concepts. Patterns will emerge!