Biolab 02 Biochemistry

MOD CD 1 - due end of class Friday

MOD FG1 - due end of class Friday

MOD E2  due end of class Monday

For this lab, you and your team will be conducting an experiment into the biological molecules that make up food. There are three parts to this lab. 

1) Testing known substances containing the biomolecules

2) Testing samples with unknown chemicals

3) Creating a lab results poster

PART 1 - Protocol for Identifying Biomolecules

A. Reading the pre-lab document. Review the information about biochemistry and the purpose of this lab. 

B. Setting up the lab notebook (5 pts)  Create a copy of the table in your biolab notebook. Leave space to write observations. 

C. Conducting the tests on known samples of biomolecules.

Here are the directions to the lab. 

Part 2 - Testing an Unknown Sample  

Bring a small food sample to class. Use the protocol to figure out what biomolecules can be detected. 

The experiment setup will be graded for 5 points.

The data table containing the results will be graded for 5 points. 

Part 3 - Lab Results Poster 50 pts

Teams are to analyze their data and develop a conclusion for their experiment

A poster should be created to describe the following parts: 

Template Poster (Google Slides)