Biolab 03 Enzyme Action

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Pre-lab Questions 5pts - Google Classroom

Initial Observations 5pts - Biolab notebook

Experimental Setup 5 pts - Biolab notebook

Experimental Results 5 pts  - Biolab notebook

Lab Report - 100 pts

Part One - Lab Setup & Initial Observations



enzyme (catalase) suspension

hydrogen  peroxide (H2O2)


pipette/pipette pump

graduated cylinder

PART TWO Experimental Setup

This lab has you creating an experiment for your team to learn more about the catalase enzyme. We may not have used the optimum conditions in our first exploration. What conditions would affect the reaction rate? 

Complete the following in your science notebook! 

Science Question: What factor can impact the reaction rate of the catalase enzyme?


PART Three - Conducting the Lab

Follow the same procedure as in the initial part of the lab (part 1) . 

Be sure to add your independent variable to the setup. In other words, how are you to affect the action of the enzymes? This needs to be implemented in the lab. 

Record the results in your lab notebook. This will be graded! 

Part Four - Lab Report

This is an individual task. You are going to create a lab report for this experiment. You must include all of the required parts. Be sure you read the requirements for the lab report and the grading rubric. Also, there is a sample lab report for you to reference. 

Include the following parts with labels on the document:

• Title of the Experiment or Activity

• Introduction

• Data Tables

• Data Analysis

• Conclusion


(click to enlarge)


Chart 1: Data Collection

initial observations
Google Document

(click to enlarge)

Chart 2: Calculations

Change in O2 %

Mean (average)


(click to enlarge)



There are only FOUR oxygen gas sensors. 

Keep them in the four stations.