Biolab 9 Prelab videos

Watch the videos below about karyotypes and chromosome abnormalities. 

CAUTION: Some of the discussion in the videos includes pregnancy termination if a fetus has been determined to have a terminal birth defect. In some instances, a resulting chromosomal disorder would lead to a miscarriage where other situations could lead to a full-term pregnancy leading to a still-born baby. 

While watching the videos, think about the purpose of the karyotyping lab. What information could be learned through karyotyping? How does a geneticist help patients make decisions regarding birth abnormalities? 

Think about the following while watching the videos. Add notes to your notebook.

Below are focus questions to think about for each of the videos. This is to be used as background to help answer questions after you've completed your karyotyping activities. 

Video #1

What is the job of a genetic counselor? What tools does she use to help patients know about the chromosomal abnormalities?  

Video #2

How does comparing a "typical" karyotype compare to an "abnormal" karyotype? 

Video #3

How does meiosis cause abnormal chromosomes in gametes?

Where in the steps of meiosis does nondisjunction occur?

Why is nondisjunction during meiosis is most destructive compared to it happening during mitosis? 

There are other chromosomal abnormalities that can be seen in karyotyping. What is the difference between:

deletion... duplication... and translocation?