David Choi

About Me

Name: David Choi

Site: Monterey Highlands

Grade(s): 7th Grade

Technology ability: Advanced

A little about me:

I started with AUSD in 1997. I am currently teaching 7th Grade Science and ELA at Monterey Highlands. I have a masters degree in Computer Education, a high school Biology credential, Middle school General Science credential, and a Multiple Subject credential. My hobbies are playing the guitar, playing basketball, and anything to do with technology. Apple just released an App called MusicMemos that I am super excited about.



Technology I Recommend

My favorite programs to use are Garage Band and iMovie. I teach a computer class for UA where students create music and videos for things like Anti-Bullying and Anit-Drug commercials.

I also love Powtoons which students use in my class to make flash animations. Students have a choice to use iMovie or Powtoons.

Hoping one day our district is able to purchase Apple Computers again so that students can express their creativity. I purchased 4 macs on my own this year for my classroom so that my students could have more access to iMovie and Garageband in my classroom, which are Mac only.

Common Core Standard(s):


Include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations to clarify claims and findings and emphasize salient points.

Students are required to present to the Class using iMovie or Flash Animation (Powtoons) a short public service announcement teaching students the 4 ways to prevent Bullying in school. This assignment is based on what we learned as a class from the Ned Show on Anti-Bulling.

The four ways are: 1) Be a buddy 2) Interrupt the bully 3) Speak out about bullying 4) Tell someone at school about the bullying.

Technology used: Flash Animation using Powtoons

Subject: Presentation Standards

Technology Insight & Tips

Flash animation using Powtoons is a lot easier than it sounds using the Powtoons website.

Click here to check out a Powtoon created by a student to introduce themselves.