May Lee

About Me

Name: May Lee

Site: Mark Keppel High School

Grade(s): 9-12

Technology ability: In between proficient and advanced

A little about me:

This is my fourth year with the district and I'm loving it! After sixteen years in public schools, I am grateful this job still brings me joy every day. I work with extraordinary staff who inspire me to keep improving my craft for the amazing students at Mark Keppel.

Technology I Recommend

A popular tool in elementary, Class Dojo, can be a fun tool for classroom management in secondary schools. Edmodo functions as my class website, assessment resource, collaboration tool (for students) and communication source with the class. I especially love the Snap Shot feature where you can get a quick glance at your student's proficiency in selected ELA or Math standards. Of course, Remind 101 is the best way to send homework reminders and other class or school announcements from my phone or computer. Similar to my obsession with Pinterest, I am constantly browsing for ideas on Edutopia. There's something for everyone.


Top Chef

Technology used: iMovie, Edmodo, YouTube

Subject: Culinary Arts, Math, ELA

Common Core Standard(s):

CA ELD 9-10 W.2 Write complex concepts and procedures

CA ELD 9-10 W.6 Use technology to produce / publish writing

CA ELD 9-10 SL 1 Collaborative discussions

CA ELD 9-10 SL 4 Present information

CA ELD 9-10 SL 5 Use digital media to enhance understanding

For good reasons, SEI students are typically shy and presentations are often a cause of great anxiety. When I saw their creativity come to light and hear their beautiful voices through the first iMovie projects, I knew putting technology in the hands of the students is the way to foster learning in a 21st Century classroom.

Access Prior Knowledge:

Students watch a short clip of "Top Chef" competition and identify key words pertaining to food and cooking.

My Lesson:

Students complete a Food Safety test to ensure understanding of proper procedures in the Culinary Arts kitchen.

The class relocates to Culinary Arts and take notes on the procedures demonstrated by Culinary Arts teacher for a basic recipe and a brief overview of the cultural background (We used Chicken Gyros). Students fill in the blanks of key words in their copy of the recipe during demonstration.

Groups of 4 to 5 students move on to their cooking stations and recreate the recipe with photo or video documentation of their process. Each group is encouraged to add optional ingredients to personalize their Gyro.

The finished product is shared with everyone in the class and complete a rating sheet of Gyros created by each group. (Teachers should be included too!)

Students make iMovie with their photos or videos of their creation process. Each iMovie project is required to have appropriate captions each group member takes turns narrating the movie. *Each student takes notes on the quality of the iMovie from other groups*

After each group presents, each student logs on to Edmodo and completes a final survey of the Gyro and Movie each group presented. *Students are encouraged to use their notes during the presentation*

Technology Insight & Tips

Don't be afraid to let students dazzle you with their technology savvy skills! It never ceases to amaze me what they come up when they get their hands on technology.

It's a good idea to designate a couple of "Tech Support" students in the class to help struggling groups.

If iPad's are not available, students can create the same product with their phones or create cartoon strips using sites such as Pixton, a cartoon maker tool online.