30 - Building Sections



Open/Create File + Save File

TTBK: Attached (as Oveleay) the title Block in the standard sheet, and set it to layer: _LAYOUT.

Annotative Scale: Adjust the scale to appropriate scale the drawing is going to be printed. Then turn off "automatic creating of annotative scale"

Sheet Frame adjust to the appropriate scale


TTBK Sheet Data: Fill TTBK parameters and adjust North and Scale as necessary

Viewports: Move and adjust the scale (standard and annotative) 

View Titles: Add view title block to views. If the views are likely to be called out from GA Sheets, then add the number.


General Levels: Across entire views pointing at the most relevant RL's: FFL, CL. Add the tag on the sides of the page

Spot Levels: If there is any Key Geometry that needs to be spotted in height, such as Gutters, eaves... then add a spot level

Constraints: Draw Boundary Lines or Grid Lines if necessary


Tags should come before even drawing geometry (if the geometry is coming from BIM as an xref)

Systems: Tag walls, floors, roofs, barriers with the type tag

Openings: Only the type no ID

Products: tag Finishes, and FFE with the multileader (in diagram tag components if necessary) 


Finishes: Gives us the envelope of items, so should be first. Outline of Finishes layers of systems in coordination  with schedule of finishes

Structural: Draw outline of structural elements as required, making coordination with structural. Draw different layer of systems

*IF the structural level thickness is not part of the Type, then add note with thickness and APES (or the like to show that is approximate)

Services Elements: Draw indicative Services and plan elements in coordination with MEP

FFE Elements: Draw FFE elements as the Schedules, with moving parts

Joinery and Custom Items: With moving parts

Terrain and context: Show Natural terrain and earthworks, and surrounding elements such fences, buildings...

Entourage: If beneficial, add entourage elements such as trees of furniturer


Section Patters: Use the standard pattern palette depending of the system core. 

Projected Patterns: If relevant, add finishes of cladding floor and wall finishes or natural materials,

Fills: Existing Terrain, Cavities (ceiling, services...)


If specific details of explanation are required draw in a Not TO Scale view used for clarification. If dimensions of elements shown in such view needs to be shown, then add it as text/notes


Add detail callouts to Typical Details (Separate by Realm) or overviews if required


Dimensions should be minimal, as the drawing is already set within the existing building. Most indication should be references such as AL. (ALigned); CL (Center Line); EQ (Equidistant)...


If additional clarification is required then add notes


Internal Notes: Add internal notes if something needs to be communicated within the team

Warning: Add Warnings if something needs to be clouded in the set

BIM XREF: If there are changes needed to be modified in the Source BIIM model, then cloud and communicate with the partner